Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 18: Sprinkle habit

Chuck and I travelled up to Door County last weekend to celebrate our 5-year anniversary.  We stayed in the same suite at the same B&B we've been going to every year since our honeymoon.  If you're heading up to northern WI, I highly recommend checking out the Chanticleer Guest House.

So why am I talking about all of this on my baking blog?  Our travels meant that I didn't bake anything this week (insert gasp here).

To make up for not baking last week, I decided to bring out the big guns and make a double batch of sugar cookies with buttercream frosting this coming weekend.  And that means one thing...SPRINKLES!!!!  I decided to take stock of my sprinkle collection tonight to make sure I had enough to get me through the weekend.  Here's what I found:

Chuck suggested I build a tower of sprinkles.  So I did.

I wasn't very happy with the stacked arrangement, so I decided to organize them by holiday.  Halloween - over to the left.  Christmas - you head to the right.  Easter - I've never used you, so you're heading to the back.  Hey there, chocolate jimmies & white nonpareils - you work with every season, so front & center with you.

And now it's time for my shocking confession: I am a sprinkle-holic.  There.  I said it.  I openly admit that I have and will purchase every new holiday-themed sprinkle I happen across.  It does not matter that I have dozens of different types of sprinkles in my cupboard.  Seriously...dozens.  Check out all these bottles that have 6 varieties in one bottle. SIX!

After reviewing the photographic evidence and shuffling the non-Christmas sprinkles back to the cupboard, I turned to Chuck and said, "I really thought I had more sprinkles than this.  This isn't so bad."

1 comment:

  1. HAHA you are starting to look like me and my kitchen!! P.s. I have a place thats cheap if you need one ...... for sprinkles :O)
