Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 29: Chocolate hazelnut disaster

I got a new cookbook a couple weeks back (The Whimsical Bakehouse: Fun-to-Make Cakes That Taste as Good as They Look), and one of the recipes immediately caught my eye - Hazelnut cake with nutella whipped cream filling.  I love nutella, so wanted to give this one a try.

Disaster #1: our grocery store does not carry hazelnuts.

Plan B: bake a chocolate cake with nutella whipped cream filling and a nutella buttercream frosting. 

The assembly was going great for the first layer.  I created a nice dam of nutella buttercream around the edge of the layer, then filled it with nutella whipped cream.  "This is easy!" I thought to myself.  But I also thought..."huh, I used less than half of the whipped cream.  Maybe I should put extra on the next layer." 

Disaster #2: layer 2 was cracked.  Usually not a big deal if your filling is a nice, firm buttercream.

And now we're at disaster #3: if you put extra whipped cream and then press another layer of cake on top, everything will ooze out the side.  Everything.

Disaster #4: if layer 2 has cracked and part of it is no longer attached to the rest of the layer, it will ooze out in the "everything" ooze.

Disaster relief plan #1: use buttercream to pull the cake back together.  Fail.

Disaster relief plan #2: cut off the half of the cake that is broken and oozing, and push it onto a plate.  Plate cake = we'll just eat this at home.

And now I'm tying to sort out exactly what to do with the cake on the left.  It looks really bad.  No,'s bad.  Just look at it!

The sad part is, this cake is ridiculously delicious.  But I just don't know if I can bring myself to take it to the office.

Lessons learned and recipe thoughts:

1. Don't put extra whipped cream between layers.

2. I think part of the issue is that my whipped cream wasn't stiff enough.  Next time, I'll whip it a little longer.

3. This might work better as a two-layer cake.

4. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. It does look messy. However, I would gladly dig in with two spoons given the chance. I hope you'll try this one again and report on whether your recipe thoughts work.
